
Micro Loans

Farmer Finance

SME Finance
L&T Finance Ltd. (LTF) (, formerly known as L&T Finance Holdings Ltd., (LTFH) is a leading Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), offering a range of financial products and services. Headquartered in Mumbai, the Company has been rated ‘AAA’ — the highest credit rating — by four leading rating agencies. For LTF a paramount focus has been placed on delivering products and services sustainably to its customers. LTF embraced the Lakshya 2026 strategy in FY22 and achieved it well in advance in FY24, with a stronger technological shift and a customer-centric approach. Going forward, LTF will continue to focus on making its organisational performance consistent, predictable, and sustainable by adopting the following 5 key pillars of execution viz. Enhancing Customer acquisition, sharpening credit underwriting, implementing futuristic digital architecture, heightened brand visibility, and capability building. LTF has also received leadership scores and ratings by global and national Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) rating providers for its sustainability performance. The Company has also won many prestigious awards for its flagship CSR project – “Digital Sakhi”- which focuses on women empowerment and digital and financial inclusion
To be an admired and inspirational financial institution, creating sustainable value for all our stakeholders.
Lakshya 2026 goals vs achievement in FY24
To be a top-class, digitally-enabled, retail finance company moving from a ‘product-focused’ to a ‘customer-focused’ approach.
Particulars |
Lakshya 2026 Goals |
Achievements for FY24 |
Retailisation |
Revised to >95% |
>94% |
Retail Growth |
>25% CAGR |
>31% |
Consolidated Asset Quality |
GS3 <3% |
GS3 at 3.15% |
NS3 <1% |
NS3 at 0.79% |
Consolidated RoA |
2.8% - 3% |
2.32% |
Key Offerings

13,000+ Distribution Touch Points
@ 2.3 Crore+ Total Customer Database
30,534+ Employees
FY 2024 – A Year of Many Milestones
- Highest ever annual PAT of ₹ 2,320 crore, a growth of 43% y-o-y
- Highest ever annual Retail disbursements of ₹ 54,267 crore, a growth of 29% y-o-y
- Retail Book crosses ₹ 80,000 crore (₹ 80,037 crore), a growth of 31% y-o-y, driven by increased demand from both the Rural and Urban segment alike
Rural Business Finance:
- Highest ever annual disbursements at ₹ 21,495 crore, a growth of 27% y-o-y leading to book size crossing ₹ 24,000 crore
- Growth aided by strong focus on strengthening customer retention coupled with a renewed focus on new customer acquisition
Farmer Finance:
- Book size at ₹ 13,892 crore, a growth of 8% y-o-y
- Strong business momentum maintained despite de-growth across the industry
Urban Finance:
- Book size at ₹ 36,089 crore, a growth of 30% y-o-y
- Driven by improvement in disbursements across Two-wheeler, Personal Loan, and Home Loans/LAP businesses
SME Finance:
- Book size at ₹ 3,905 crore, slowly inching towards the ₹ 4,000 crore milestone
- Strong growth in business volumes aided by geo-expansion, deepening channel partnerships, and focus on providing superior value to our customers
ESG@LTF – ratings highlight our recognition:
- Improvement in MSCI ESG rating from ‘BBB’ to ‘A’
- Upgrade in CDP Rating from ‘B’ to ‘A-’
- Over 11.50 Lakh communities sensitised on digital & financial literacy
- Over 1 Lakh people linked with social entitlement schemes worth ₹ 60 crore
- Over 17,400 and 21,000 beneficiaries covered under road safety awareness and Two-wheeler road safety programme respectively
- 50,000 saplings planted over 150 acres of land